This Month's Featured Items
Power to Change Price:
by Jason Frenn $14.95
Jason's new book, "Power to Change," details the fives steps necessary to break the chains of destructive patterns that bind our life. By doing this, only then will we experience the freedom and power in Christ... "to a thousand generations!"
Poder para Cambiar Price:
by Jason Frenn $14.95
En "Poder para Cambiar" usted encontrará: La historia del autor rescatado de un hogar disfuncional, una invitación a vivir libremente de toda maldición generacional, un reto a qe deje de culpar a otros por lo que le pasa, la ayuda de Dios para transformar su estilo de vida, la forma de perdonar a otras personas y poder vivir feliz, y cinco pasos para vivir en armonía con Dios, con la familia y con otras personas
Hay Esperanza en Jesús Price:
Music CD $10.00
La Musica de Hay Esperanza en Jesús" contains the best of the best in songs used throughout the ministry of the Taking It To The Nations crusades in Central America and Mexico. Millions of people have been ushered into the presence of God by these songs at our crusades and so will you.
Club "E" Price:
Music CD $10.00
The music of "Club E" is a fun and spirited mix of the best songs used in the Taking It To The Nations childrens crusades. From the gospel sound of "Dios de Justicia" to the sweet melody of "Jesús, Rey de Angeles," you are sure to find YOUR new favorite on this terrific album.